About me.

Lets get things into perspective.

I don't run. In fact, sometimes I struggle to walk. I have arthritis in my knees and back and I am overweight. By quite a lot.

So why have I decided to run a 10K event?

Well, in the space of a month, my friend's partner and then another close friend have found out that they have cancer. Both dont deserve to have to face this.

This is my way of showing support and hopefully to raise money for Cancer Research. Hopefully by documenting my journey, I can stay focused and encourage people to stay interested enough to sponsor me on this epic adventure.

DAY ONE 22 May 2013

Today I weighed myself.


After being on a permanent on off diet for most of my life, I've put on another half a stone, although I blame the bacon butty from yesterday.

Its going to be like an elephant running round Mumbles.

 I just really hope Swansea Council have reinforced their paving slabs.

No worries, onwards and upwards. Feeling positive, despite the start of a sore throat and sore knees.

STEP ONE. Need to buy swanky new trainers. Cos swanky new trainers are obviously going to help me to run like the wind. And obviously swanky new trainers are going to take to focus off the size of my arse. Obviously. So off to Sports Direct, where I bought swanky new trainers. Here they are. Aren't they swanky!!.

 Need to buy running leggings and a t-shirt.  Now this is where I come across my first stumbling block. It is really difficult to buy sports clothing if you are over a size 16. I found one pair of running legging, but horrors, they come with pink detail. The pink detail does not go with new swanky trainers, but, deep breath, they will have to do. Starting to lose the will, as there were only pink running jackets in my size (an elephant running is one thing, but a pink elephant is really quite another thing) I resorted to buying from the mens section. I left before Dean's eye rolling left him permanently disfigured. I went home and tried on my new gear. Now if you have a weak stomach I suggest you avert your eyes now :-

BEFORE 1st run
   My only solace, is - this is the worst I'm going to look. 

 Download app on phone. Found one called 10K free. A 14 week  program that helps you train for a 10k run. PERFECT. Week one consists of a 5 minute walk to warm up followed by intervals of  1 minute runs and  1 1/2 minute walks for a total of 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. OFF WE GO.

  And here we have a list of what I learnt today.

1. It is NOT easy peasy lemon squeezy.

2. There IS such a thing as the 'WALL' only I didnt expect to hit it after only 10 yards.

3. It really, really doesnt matter if pink accessorised leggings dont match swanky new trainers. It matters more that I dont vomit all over the lot.
AFTER 1st run

4. It really hurts.

5. I need to practise my breathing so that I can eventually run for a minute without feeling someone has poured bleach down my throat.

6. That wasn't the worst I'm going to look.

Its going to be a long journey :(


  1. Well done Debs, step out boldly and if the going gets tough, just think of when Mummy decided to start running in Ballykelly. Daddy loves you.

    1. Awww, love you too Daddy, I may have to incorporate the tale of mummy's run one day :)

  2. Well done you :)

  3. Well done Wife I will be your training partner throughout..xx

  4. Fantastic, wish i could say I'll join you, but i can't :-)

  5. Deb what a great thing you are doing!!! ~ Tracy for NY :)
