About me.

Lets get things into perspective.

I don't run. In fact, sometimes I struggle to walk. I have arthritis in my knees and back and I am overweight. By quite a lot.

So why have I decided to run a 10K event?

Well, in the space of a month, my friend's partner and then another close friend have found out that they have cancer. Both dont deserve to have to face this.

This is my way of showing support and hopefully to raise money for Cancer Research. Hopefully by documenting my journey, I can stay focused and encourage people to stay interested enough to sponsor me on this epic adventure.

Day 21 - 12 Jun 2013 -Watch out, watch out theres a camel about

            I'm struggling a bit, but I'm not going to dwell.

So I thought I'd do a bit of research into ways a big fat bird like myself could help herself with the pain barrier I am struggling to get through.

But as always when googling, I got myself a little bit distracted.

When typing such searches as 'can fat girls run', and 'running when you are carrying a shed load of lard around your middle', I kid you not, I came across some pretty disturbing images...images that should carry a 'do not look at this if you've just had your tea' warning,

but none that disturbed me as much as this one :-

"Really??" I hear you cry in disbelieve, "you googled images of  'can a lardy arsed middle age woman run more than 15 yards without crying tears of pain and frustration' and THIS is the image you chose to share with the world?"

Well yes it is, and if you hold your horses I will explain.

This may not be an image of a fat girl running, as clearly she is neither fat, nor indeed running, and I've no idea how this image appeared on my screen after googling 'help me, I've committed to a 10k run, but I feel like someone has kneecapped me', but it did, and it hit me in the face like a brick that 

 tight lycra = camel toe.

Oh my god

I wear tight lycra when I run.

I don't think I need to spell it out.

Off I shoot up the stairs to try on tight lycra and force myself to look in the mirror, something that I have managed to avoid  doing since starting this.

 My theory is that if I cant see what I look like then I cant look that bad really., and quite frankly, when I'm gasping for air I've discovered that I don't really care what I look like.

And who says women are illogical, eh?

So there I am in tight black running leggings, peering gingerly through my fingers repeating to myself,

                                                   'please no, please no!'
                       and all of a sudden
                                                                 I care.

Cos there it is in all its glory

                                                    a big fat camel toe.

                  I feel sick.

I no longer feel the pain in my knees and the shin splints that feel like open wounds, no longer do I care that I possibly may damage knees so badly I'll have to have my legs amputated after I've staggered round the course. No longer do I care that I may have to be permanently strapped to an oxygen tank for the rest of my life.

                                            All I care about is, I've got a camel toe.

Back to google.

                              'anti camel toe devices'

how about this, girls 

I give you the Smooth Groove

or what about these 

but this has to be my favourite 

Oh I guess what I found out?? I bet you didn't know that the male equivalent of a camel toe is a 'moose knuckle'?

 I bet you are googling it now ;)


  1. Dean told me about your Camel toe a few weeks ago. In fact he said he now looks at actual camels in a sexual way :-)........Anonymous from Reading Berkshire

  2. I don't quite know what to say.
